
Archetypes for each zodiac decan based on tarot and astrological correspondences.

Quick Guide

Major Arcana - The outside forces that guide you. This is how you see the world.

Minor Arcana - Your unique intuitive ability or potential. This is how you see yourself and the challenges you may have to overcome in life.

Court Card - Your significator and personality type. This is how others see you.

Your Archetype - All of these traits combined with regard to your planetary correspondences to paint a picture of your core self.

Aries (~March 21 - April 20)


Spirited Fighters

  • Dates: ~ March 21 - 30

  • Major: The Emperor

  • Minor: 2 of Wands

  • Planet: Mars

  • Court: Queen of Wands

  • Modality: Cardinal

  • Element: Fire

Those born within the first decan of Aries are spirited fighters. They possess a triple threat of Mars energy which makes them very passionate, protective, and energetic. They are always ready to lead the way and take action, especially when it comes to fighting for what they believe in. This instinct to fight is generally out of a sense of duty and protectiveness, but they must be careful not to allow themselves to become too hot-headed or antagonistic. There is a volatile energy bubbling under their calm exterior, that when provoked may make itself known in explosive ways. They are also driven, determined, and confident. When it comes to pursuing their goals and creative visions, which are often larger than life, they are not ones to compromise. They are fierce, but also nurturing; supportive, but restless. They won’t stick around long if they see the promise of something better on the horizon.


Optimistic Adventurers

  • Dates: ~ March 31 - April 10

  • Major: The Emperor

  • Minor: 3 of Wands

  • Planet: Sun

  • Court: Queen of Wands

  • Modality: Cardinal

  • Element: Fire

Those born within the second decan of Aries are optimistic adventurers. They are focused, daring, and innovative. Often perceived as visionary leaders, they see their goals and duties as one in the same and take a lot of pride in their work and being a guiding light to others. They are always willing and able to see the bright side of any experience, be it an opportunity to learn, grow, or to simply see a different way. With this mix of optimism and drive, the world is their oyster. However, sometimes their focus on the horizon limits their view of the present moment. They are always ready to go full steam ahead in the name of passion and progress, but have a tendency to leave others in the dust or miss out on what's right in front of them.


Steadfast Champions

  • Dates: ~ April 11 - April 20

  • Major: The Emperor

  • Minor: IV of Wands

  • Planet: Jupiter

  • Court: King of Pentacles

  • Modality: Cardinal

  • Element: Fire

Those born within the third decan of Aries are steadfast champions. Champion in the sense that they are often very successful, and in the sense that they use that success to guide, protect, and lift others up. They are the most stable and down-to-earth of the three Aries archetypes. Their fiery nature makes them the life of every party, and they enjoy indulging in celebration, fun, and frivolity, but they also know when it’s time to be practical. They seem to attract good fortune and positivity wherever they go which can inspire either admiration and jealousy in their peers depending on how they carry themselves. They crave expansion, travel, and learning, but after a long journey, they love nothing more than the feeling of coming home. 

Taurus (~April 21-May 20)


Dependable Guides

  • Dates: ~ April 21 - April 30

  • Major: The Hierophant

  • Minor: V of Pentacles

  • Planet: Venus

  • Court: King of Pentacles

  • Modality: Fixed

  • Element: Earth

Those born within the first decan of Taurus are dependable guides. They are practical, hard-working, and grounded. Their strong work ethic is motivated by a desire for more and an inability to be content with what they have. While generally perceived as practical, they can also be vain and romantic. They enjoy the company and attention of others but thrive on the comforts of home and routine. Because they possess a strong sense of duty, intelligence, and the ability to communicate and connect with others, they are someone people often look to for guidance and support. They enjoy being relied on to a point, but are often too stubborn to ask for help themselves and inevitably end up taking on too much. When they focus only on fulfilling the needs of others and let their own fall by the wayside they can become selfish, burnt out, or resentful. They need time for self-indulgence, comfort, and material stability to feel secure and be able to continue to be the kind, stable pillar that people rely on.


Altruistic Teachers

  • Dates: ~ May 1 -10

  • Major: The Hierophant

  • Minor: VI of Pentacles

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Court: King of Pentacles

  • Modality: Fixed

  • Element: Earth

Those born within the second decan of Taurus are altruistic teachers. They are wise, giving, kind, and reliable. They are drawn to positions where they can share their gifts and knowledge with others and are often viewed as a pillar of their community. Their empathetic nature gives them insight into the struggles of man and is what compels them to lend a helping hand. At times, they may be too eager to share, even to the point of being overbearing, and can come off as boastful about what they have. Not everyone needs or enjoys charity and they must learn to balance that. While they prefer to be self-sufficient and often are, they aren’t above asking for help from others. The principle of give and take is very important to them and they will always pay back their debts. 

Karmic Harvesters

  • Dates: ~ May 11 - May 20

  • Major: The Hierophant

  • Minor: VII of Pentacles

  • Planet: Saturn

  • Court: Knight of Swords

  • Modality: Fixed

  • Element: Earth

Those born within the third decan of Taurus are karmic harvesters. They are charming, stubborn, and restless. They are hard-working but have a tendency to be dispassionate and easily distracted. All Tauruses have a bit of a teacher within them, and this set is no different, though their lessons often come in karmic form while affecting both themselves and others. They are great listeners and enjoy caring for others, however they will almost always prioritize their own needs. Their motives are often dictated by long-term goals and investments which can make them prone to burn out and impatience at life’s trials and difficulties. They feel much more comfortable in life when they learn that everyone goes at their own pace and you can only reap what you sow.

Gemini (~May 21-June 20)


Defiant Contenders

  • Dates: ~ May 21 - 31

  • Major: The Lovers

  • Minor: VIII of Swords

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Court: Knight of Swords

  • Modality: Mutable

  • Element: Air

Those born within the first decan of Gemini are defiant contenders. They are dynamic, resilient, and cerebral. While they are often plagued by mental strife in the form of self-victimization, overthinking, and catastrophizing, their rational mind is strong enough to win out in the end. They are at once hasty and cautious, willful and fearful, stubborn but ever-changing. These many dualities keep the people around them on their toes and unable to predict what they will do next. They want to fly but often feel like their wings are clipped by circumstances outside of their control. They need support from within and without to overcome this way of thinking. They can be very hard on themselves, but that is only because they are so passionate about what they do. They know deep down that their only limits are in their mind, and if they choose to embrace that way of thinking and make good choices they will fly again.


Calculating Risk-takers

  • Dates: ~June 1-10

  • Major: The Lovers

  • Minor: IX of Swords

  • Planet: Venus

  • Court: Knight of Swords

  • Modality: Mutable

  • Element: Air

Those born within the second decan of Gemini are calculating risk-takers. They are unpredictable, passionate, and emotional. Their greatest struggle is with the mental anguish of caring too much. They often present themselves as living with no regrets, while secretly holding onto many. They are prone to overthinking and ending up in dark mental spaces that are hard to escape from. To combat this, they often act on impulse alone, but a life so out of balance can feel like a constant free fall and struggle to stay upright. They are smart, quick-witted, and able to make good choices on the fly, but it’s when they finally slow down and find the strength to face the inner voice that they can land firmly on the ground.


Radical Martyrs

  • Dates: ~June 11-20

  • Major: The Lovers

  • Minor: X of Swords

  • Planet: Uranus

  • Court: Queen of Cups

  • Modality: Mutable

  • Element: Air

Those born within the third decan of Gemini are radical martyrs. They are calculating, sensitive, and intense. The stark duality between their logical and emotional sides is difficult for them to navigate and they are easily exhausted by their own mental acrobatics. It’s natural for them to give in to a victim mentality and believe that they are starting at a disadvantage in comparison to their peers, but they have a large capacity for healing and growth should they choose to break free from that way of thinking. Their heightened intelligence and sensitive nature can be a blessing instead of a curse if they can find a balance between the two. They tend to be their worst enemy until they awaken to a calling that helps them rise up to be their highest self. Becoming the ruler of their own mind and emotions can be revolutionary for them. They can be very intelligent, empathetic, and compassionate people who feel called to nurture and help others who may be suffering as they have.

Cancer (~June 21 - July21)

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Impulsive Dream Chasers

  • Dates: ~June 21 - 30

  • Major: The Chariot

  • Minor: II of Cups

  • Planet: Moon

  • Court: Queen of Cups

  • Modality: Cardinal

  • Element: Water

Those born within the first decan of Cancer are impulsive dream chasers. They are romantic, intuitive, and ambitious. They function on blind faith and willpower and are often the type to put the cart before the horse and somehow make it work. As they say, teamwork makes the dream work, and in that spirit, they crave connection and value strong partnerships and relationships, which come rather effortlessly to them due to their easy-going nature. In relationships, they are nurturing, romantic, and emotionally vulnerable, but also a bit idealistic. At the risk of being taken advantage of, they often choose to be blind to any imbalance or discord until it’s unavoidable. This innate need to connect with others can make them seem codependent, but they possess a strong power of will that makes them more of a leader than a follower.

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Social Masqueraders

  • Dates: ~July 1 - 11

  • Major: The Chariot

  • Minor: III of Cups

  • Planet: Pluto

  • Court: Queen of Cups

  • Modality: Cardinal

  • Element: Water

Those born within the second decan of Cancer are social masqueraders. They are charismatic, enigmatic, and deeply emotional. Outwardly they are very friendly and outgoing, but there is a very present shadow hidden beneath their surface. They share a persona with the world that is often at odds with their true self. With it, they draw attention to themselves and are easily able to make a lot of friends and acquaintances who know them only on a basic level. It is much harder for them to build strong, lasting relationships, but when they do they are very protective of them. Their emotions run deep, and while they care deeply about the people they love, this passion can lead to dark places, like jealousy, resentment, and anger. It can feel as though they are constantly being pulled in two directions, between their light and shadow selves. This struggle can make them act impulsively, switching suddenly and seamlessly between the two, which gives them the reputation of being a bit two-faced. Control, balance, and awareness are key to being able to reconcile the two extremes into one enlightened self, so that passion and will can be harnessed and focused on creating something beautiful.

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Introspective Creatives

  • Dates: ~July 12 - 21

  • Major: The Chariot

  • Minor: IV of Cups

  • Planet: Neptune

  • Court: King of Wands

  • Modality: Cardinal

  • Element: Water

Those born within the third decan of Cancer are introspective creatives. They are intuitive, easy-going, and thoughtful. They possess a quiet power and are more emotionally subdued than their first and second decan Cancer counterparts. That is not to say they don’t have strong feelings beneath the surface. They are very passionate and have clear, focused goals, and believe in themselves, but are sometimes unable to see the brightness of their own gifts. The fear of caring too much and being disappointed by failure can hold them back to the point of apathy and self-denial. These same fears drive them forward with tunnel vision on the clear easy path towards their goals. If they can find the courage to stop and smell the roses, really see themselves, and embrace their desires they can find greater fulfillment in their creative endeavors.

Leo (~July 22 - Aug 22)


Diplomatic Advocates

  • Dates: July 22 - Aug 1

  • Major: Strength

  • Minor: V of Wands

  • Planet: Sun

  • Court: King of Wands

  • Modality: Fixed

  • Element: Fire

Those born within the first decan of Leo are diplomatic advocates. They are passionate, kind, and unyielding. They live with strong conviction and integrity and will get fired up about the things they believe in very easily. They are not antagonistic and won’t start fights, but they can certainly finish them by either acting as a mediator or being confident enough to sway others to their own point of view. Even in the heat of debate, they are optimistic and try to see the best in themselves and others. While optimism and conviction can be a good thing, believing in something without question can have its downsides. They can become overly protective of their ideals, unable to admit wrongs, judgmental, naïve, or close minded. However, another part of their personal belief system is often a strong moral code and protective nature that extends to those they care about and serves to keep them in check.

Self-possessed Luminaries

  • Dates: ~Aug 3 -11

  • Major: Strength

  • Minor: VI of Wands

  • Planet: Jupiter

  • Court: King of Wands

  • Modality: Fixed

  • Element: Fire

Those born within the second decan of Leo are self-possessed luminaries. They are confident, goal-oriented, and composed. They possess the pride, grace, and roar of a lion, and they know it. Their natural charisma often catches the attention of others, which they thrive on. Though they seem confident most of the time, without public recognition and validation that confidence can waver. This aspect can make them seem vain and showy, and it’s true that they can be blinded by self-admiration, but deep down they are kind and altruistic. It is important to them to set an example for others, to lead, and be a blueprint for excellence. If that rubs people the wrong way, as it often does, they don’t let the haters get them down. It takes a great deal of inner strength to care deeply about what others think and still have the ability to block out negativity. Though it is important for them to learn to take constructive criticism in order to actually improve themselves and reach their goals.


Persevering Guardians

  • Dates: ~Aug 12-22

  • Major: Strength

  • Minor: VII of Wands

  • Planet: Mars

  • Court: Knight of Pentacles

  • Modality: Fixed

  • Element: Fire

Those born within the third decan of Leo are persevering guardians. They are courageous, disciplined, and tenacious. They put a lot of value on the material aspects of life and will work hard to obtain what they want. They are productive, disciplined, and inclined towards perfectionism. They possess unbridled confidence that makes them stand out from the crowd, but can also get them into hot water. However, that won’t make them shy away from the spotlight where they shine brightest. Being used to ruffling feathers, they will generally act in the interest of self-preservation, which can make them seem hot-blooded and defensive. Their unwavering strength, determination, and perseverance against all odds and judgment will bring them a lot of success in life.

Virgo (~Aug 23 - Sept 22)

Soulful Scholars

  • Dates: ~Aug 23 - Sep 1

  • Major: The Hermit

  • Minor: VIII of Pentacles

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Court: Knight of Pentacles

  • Modality: Mutable

  • Element: Earth

Those born within the first decan of Virgo are soulful scholars. They are curious, introspective, and grounded. The need for material stability doesn’t rule their lives as much as other earth signs, but they value productivity and steady progress and are generally conservative with their finances. They tend to be more solitary and introverted, but strongly rooted in home and family. In relationships, they value quality over quantity and will have a few very close friends. They need their alone time and thrive in taking time alone in nature and disconnecting. Grounded but ever-changing, they take pride in personal growth and are content to spend their days dedicated to projects that enrich their lives. Whatever task they pursue, they work with diligence, optimism for the future, and joy in what they do. Their biggest challenges in life are overthinking and indecision, but they are cerebral, eager to learn and communicate ideas, and passionate about what they believe in.


Indulgent Reapers

  • Dates: ~Sept 2 -11

  • Major: The Hermit

  • Minor: IX of Pentacles

  • Planet: Saturn

  • Court: Knight of Pentacles

  • Modality: Mutable

  • Element: Earth

Those born within the second decan of Virgo are indulgent reapers. They are studious, conservative, and particular. The concept of work hard, play hard is like a religion to them as they take their free time as seriously as their day-to-day duties. They often feel as though they are owed something more than what they get back for their contributions which can breed resentment. What may be perceived as laziness is more so a rebellion against a world that, in their eyes, demands too much. They take their time to make sure you know they are worth the wait. They have a tendency to be very set in their own ways and live more solitary lives. They know how to enjoy the finer things in life, but each has their own definition of what that is. It is uncommon for them to be free spenders as they like to feel comfortable with what they have saved. Sometimes the greatest extravagance is just living simply and enjoying simple pleasures at their own pace.


Honest Cultivators

  • Dates: ~Sept 12 - 22

  • Major: The Hermit

  • Minor: X of Pentacles

  • Planet: Venus

  • Court: Queen of Swords

  • Modality: Mutable

  • Element: Earth

Those born within the third decan of Virgo are Honest Cultivators. They are practical, intelligent, and nurturing. They work hard to create and preserve a legacy they can be proud of. Family is very important to them and they will do just about anything to support the ones they love. However, they are less concerned with warm fuzzy feelings than a person’s actual well-being and therefore express their love in practical ways like putting food on the table, making a nice home and being brutally honest. Because of their less touchy-feely approach to relationships, they can come off as harsh or cold, but they really care a great deal. They can also be very protective and hold strong moral convictions. They take pride in doing things their own way in the pursuit of a better future.

Libra (~Sept 23 - Oct 22)


Logical Mediators

  • Dates: ~ Sept 23 - Oct 2

  • Major: Justice

  • Minor: 2 of Swords

  • Planet: Venus

  • Court: Queen of Swords

  • Modality: Cardinal

  • Element: Air

Those born within the first decan of Libra are logical mediators. They are balanced, wise, and judicious. Others see them as a leader, role model, and supportive figure. Because of their ability to be objective, logical, and unemotional, they are often the go-to person to settle an argument or calm a heated situation. This is useful in many aspects of life but can sometimes put a strain on their interpersonal relationships. They prefer to keep their deepest emotions private because they clash with their practical appearance. Aesthetics are important to them and they always strive to look like they have it all together, even if they don’t. As they prefer taking only logical actions, they can be indecisive when they don’t have all the facts and are unable to see both sides clearly. This also means they are unlikely to take risks, even healthy ones. Their biggest hurdle is learning to listen to their romantic, impractical side and let them drive every so often.


Revolutionary Leaders

  • Dates: ~October 3-12

  • Major: Justice

  • Minor: 3 of Swords

  • Planet: Uranus

  • Court: Queen of Swords

  • Modality: Cardinal

  • Element: Air

Those born within the second decan of Libra are revolutionary leaders. They are intelligent, independent, and honest. They seek balance, equality, and fairness with a vigor that always keeps pushing them forward and inspires others to follow suit. They understand and empathize with the hardships of others because much of their own wisdom comes from overcoming suffering. Because of this, they may seem hardened and cold at times, but beneath the surface, they care very much about others and what they believe in. They may have a diamond heart, but even diamond cracks under too much pressure. Their biggest struggle is allowing themselves to really feel and express their emotions. Though they may already possess much wisdom, they are always willing to learn and grow. Their lives are defined by constant regeneration. They understand that sometimes you must reap what you’ve sown in order to plant the seeds that will create a more beautiful world.


Meditative Thinkers

  • Dates: ~October 13-22

  • Major: Justice

  • Minor: 4 of Swords

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Court: King of Cups

  • Modality: Cardinal

  • Element: Air

Those born within the third decan of Libra are meditative thinkers. They are wise, stable, and compassionate. They are more in touch with their emotions and spirituality than their fellow Libras, and are more prone to being introverts and empaths. They have a strong sense of moral justice and take the suffering of others personally. At times this can be debilitating, but if they take a moment to look inward and re-balance their emotions they can overcome it and put that energy to good use. When they get out of their own heads and communicate their ideas to others, their words have the power to change the world. 

Scorpio (~Oct 23 - Nov 22)


Transformative Souls

  • Dates: ~October 23-Nov 2

  • Major: Death

  • Minor: 5 of Cups 

  • Planet: Pluto

  • Court: King of Cups

  • Modality: Fixed

  • Element: Water

Those born within the first decan of Scorpio are transformative souls. They are passionate, emotionally charged, and dramatic. They are often at odds with themselves because they crave emotional stability, but their lives are defined by constant transformation. Because of this they are prone to pessimism, depression, and rage. They can overcome these challenges if they can learn to let go of what’s lost and see what still remains, to look past the destruction and see what they can create from it. When they embrace that the only constant is change, and the beauty in that, they can grow into their best selves. 


Sentimental Spirits

  • Dates: ~Nov 3-12

  • Major: Death

  • Minor: 6 of Cups 

  • Planet: Neptune

  • Court: King of Cups

  • Modality: Fixed

  • Element: Water

Those born within the second decan of Scorpio are sentimental spirits. Though they are always changing and growing, they remain grounded in their roots and the things that make their inner child happy. They tend to have a strong bond to their ancestors and are very receptive and sensitive to psychic and spiritual energy. As empaths, they approach life with curiosity, generosity, and kindness, but they are not ones to forgive and forget. Their deep connection to the past makes them prone to nostalgia and they have a tendency to recede into the comfort of the past when times are hard. They are generally perceived as sensitive, introverted, and mysterious, but they have the capacity to be more well-balanced and dependable than they are often given credit for.


Transient Creators

  • Dates: ~Nov 13-22

  • Major: Death

  • Minor: 7 of Cups 

  • Planet: Moon

  • Court: Knight of Wands

  • Modality: Fixed

  • Element: Water

Those born within the third decan of Scorpio are transient creators. They are passionate, intuitive, and inspired. On the surface, they are confident, charming, and charismatic, but deep down they tend to be very unsure of themselves. Their emotions are less subdued than their first and second decan Scorpio counterparts. They are more fiery, volatile, temperamental and reckless. They are very comfortable with the concept of endings and beginnings and are rarely content to stay in one place or with one person too long. They are always pursuing new paths, ideas, making plans, and taking risks. Sometimes those risks pay off, but sometimes they don’t. If unenlightened, they may allow themselves to be blinded and led astray by their passions, baser instincts, and shadow side. That lack of focus and clarity can hold them back from reaching their full potential. Temperance is key. If they can balance the fiery and watery sides of themselves they can achieve great things and build strong relationships. 

Sagittarius (~Nov 23 - Dec 21)


Composed Dynamos

  •  Dates: ~Nov 23 - Dec 2

  • Major: Temperance

  • Minor: 8 of Wands

  • Planet: Jupiter

  • Court: Knight of Wands

  • Modality: Mutable

  • Element: Fire

Those born within the first decan of Sagittarius are composed dynamos. They are masters of multitasking in both their inner and outer worlds. They possess the unique ability to always be on the go, but still live a balanced life. However, this is no easy feat, and requires a lot of self-discipline, but with the healthy mix of patience and haste they possess, it is possible to achieve. They are driven by their positive outlook and feel more at ease moving than standing still. They capture the attention of others with their optimism, confidence, and charm. They are ever-changing and expanding their horizons, but ultimately stay true to themselves and their chosen path. They aim to quickly achieve their goals but know it’s important to wait until the opportune moment. As soon as they get the green light, they’re already out of sight.


Adamant Warriors

  • Dates: ~Dec 3 - Dec 12

  • Major: Temperance

  • Minor: 9 of Wands

  • Planet: Mars

  • Court: Knight of Wands

  • Modality: Mutable

  • Element: Fire

Those born within the second decan of Sagittarius are adamant warriors. They are dependable, strong-willed, and always willing to do what needs to be done. They tend to be workaholics and are prone to overexertion. Their positive attitude keeps them going through hard times, but everyone needs a break once in a while. They are at their best when they learn when to rest and when to work. When someone questions or disagrees with them, they can be stubborn and defensive, but they ultimately know when to pick their battles and prefer peace to conflict. Even so, they will most likely do whatever they want to anyway.


Defiant Protectors

  • Dates: ~Dec 13 - Dec 21

  • Major: Temperance

  • Minor: 10 of Wands

  • Planet: Sun

  • Court: Queen of Pentacles

  • Modality: Mutable

  • Element: Fire

Those born within the third decan of Sagittarius are defiant protectors. At their best they are charismatic, nurturing, and tenacious. They will do anything to get what they want, but that is not always a good thing. Often, their stubbornness creates strife and struggle for themselves and everyone around them. They can be overly protective, controlling, manipulative, and unable to see when they are wrong. They see themselves as in balance even when they are not, which causes them to try to force their ideals on others. In reality, they can be very hot and cold, caught between the extremes of rage and joy, love and hate. They are constantly seeking to balance these wild emotional elements. Their biggest downfall is trying to hold onto things even when they have run their course. In order to become the best version of themselves, they have to learn to let go.

Capricorn (~Dec 22 - Jan 19)


Ambitious Multitaskers

  • Dates: ~Dec 22 - Dec 31

  • Major: The Devil

  • Minor: II of Pentacles

  • Planet: Saturn

  • Court: Queen of Pentacles

  • Modality: Cardinal

  • Element: Earth

Those born within the first decan of Capricorn are ambitious multitaskers. They are often hardworking, serious, stable, dependable, and nurturing. They have a tendency to be uptight and laser-focused when it comes to achieving their many goals. They desire material stability for themselves and the people they care about but have trouble asking for help in the pursuit of such things. They want to take care of everyone, but sometimes forget to take care of themselves. To become the best version of themselves, they must learn how to ask for help, maintain work-life balance, and be careful not to become a slave to their own ambitions and worldly desires. If they can get out of their own way, nothing can stop them from achieving their goals.


Synergistic Workers

  • Dates: ~Jan 1 - Jan 9

  • Major: The Devil

  • Minor: III of Pentacles

  • Planet: Venus

  • Court: Queen of Pentacles

  • Modality: Cardinal

  • Element: Earth

Those born within the second decan of Capricorn are synergistic workers. They tend to be social extroverts who thrive when in the company of others and do not enjoy too much alone time. Because of this, they are prone to attachments and codependency. They are grounded and find it easy to connect to the world and the people around them. As a team leader, they know how to bring people together and make their unique abilities and points of view complement each other. Their own skills and ideas are best brought out through collaboration, but they can really shine when they get the confidence to branch out on their own. From their openness to learn from and depend on others, they become multifaceted in their own right and can do more on their own than they may realize.


Savvy Collectors

  • Dates: ~Jan 10 - Jan 19

  • Major: The Devil

  • Minor: IV of Pentacles

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Court: King of Swords

  • Modality: Cardinal

  • Element: Earth

Those born within the third decan of Capricorn are savvy collectors. They are serious, intelligent, strict, and honest. Most often they are both financially and mentally stable, but if they lose that financial stability their mental stability will quickly follow. The fear of loss makes them conservative and wise in their investments, if not a bit stingy and selfish at times. They are materially motivated and prone to forming unhealthy attachments to things. Those attachments often turn into obsessive collections or hobbies. However, those hobbies also bring them joy and are generally harmless. They enjoy showing off their treasures, but can sometimes come off as pretentious or smug. They can be emotionally distant and build walls around themselves which can only be broken down when they learn the joy of sharing what they love with others.

Aquarius (~Jan 20 - Feb 18)


Dominating Bosses

  • Dates: ~Jan 20 - 29

  • Major: The Star

  • Minor: V of Swords

  • Planet: Uranus

  • Court: King of Swords

  • Modality: Fixed

  • Element: Air

Those born within the first decan of Aquarius are dominating bosses. They are intelligent, motivated, and will do almost anything to achieve their goals. They have a tendency to be logical and methodical to the point of coldness, and can sometimes be seen as harsh or authoritarian, but they show their affection through tough love and telling the truth. They understand that sometimes you need to burn bridges in order to find a better path and are generally unbothered by the consequences of their actions if they find the outcome is worth it. The risk of this attitude is that their actions and values can easily get out of alignment, which can result in them becoming their own worst enemy. They must be wary of alienating those who truly care about and want to help them. To come into their true power, some lessons must be learned the hard way. They are at their best when finding the strength to overcome adversity.


Restless Nomads

  • Dates: ~Jan 30 - Feb 8

  • Major: The Star

  • Minor: VI of Swords

  • Planet: Mercury

  • Court: King of Swords

  • Modality: Fixed

  • Element: Air

Those born within the second decan of Aquarius are restless nomads. They are highly intelligent, great at communicating their ideas, and forward-thinking. They enjoy traveling and experiencing new things, and are not content to stay in one place for long. Their journey is one in search of renewal. They leave their mark on every place they go, but they also take a bit of each with them. The result is a heavy burden of accumulated knowledge and emotional baggage, which they are great at hiding but can make them seem distant and unreachable. They must learn to communicate their feelings as well as they communicate their ideas and wisdom in order to fully share themselves with the world.


Cunning Opportunists

  • Dates: ~Feb 9 - Feb 18

  • Major: The Star

  • Minor: VII of Swords

  • Planet: Venus

  • Court: Knight of Cups

  • Modality: Fixed

  • Element: Air

Those born within the third decan of Aquarius are cunning opportunists. They are adaptable, cerebral, and more emotional than their other Aquarian counterparts, though they may never admit it. When a new opportunity presents itself, they will, more often than not, throw caution to the wind and go for it. They are always looking towards the future and striving towards reinvention, but can get lost in denial of the past and their true selves. Often, they feel as if they have to play a part to fit in, which they excel at, and have trouble with self-acceptance and honesty. They contradict themselves by rebelling outwardly against the status quo while also desiring to be a part of it. For these reasons, they are prone to being regarded as tricksters, actors, or con-artists. Deep down they are dreamy and romantic, but those facets are often undeveloped if not properly acknowledged and cultivated. They keep their vulnerabilities hidden so as to not get hurt because, in their mind, that is the logical thing to do. If they can tap into their inner depths they can unleash the full potential of their unique blend of intuition and intelligence.

Pisces (~Feb 19 - Mar 20)


Sensitive Voyagers

  • Dates: ~Feb 19 - Feb 28

  • Major: The Moon

  • Minor: VIII of Cups

  • Planet: Neptune

  • Court: Knight of Cups

  • Modality: Mutable

  • Element: Water

Those born within the first decan of Pisces are sensitive voyagers. They are intuitive, emotional, and romantic. Like the tides, they are especially sensitive to and affected by the Moon cycles. This can make them seem emotionally unstable at times and they may be more prone to anxiety and depression. Though their feelings are at times overwhelming, they always allow themselves to feel them. There is a sense of otherness in being so emotionally vulnerable that often results in a retreat from the more social aspects of life. On their lone journey to find their place in this world, they are at risk of getting lost in their own heads. They can truly become one with the flow of life when they realize that the fulfillment they are searching for exists both within and without.


Serene Sages

  • Dates: ~March 1 - March 10

  • Major: The Moon

  • Minor: IX of Cups

  • Planet: The Moon

  • Court: Knight of Cups

  • Modality: Mutable

  • Element: Water

Those born within the second decan of Pisces are serene sages. They are intelligent, intuitive, meditative, and creative. They possess energy akin to that of still waters and have the unique ability to make others feel at ease just by being around them. They excel at and are often drawn towards graceful forms of creative expression. Moon cycles affect them strongly, but they are able to harness its influence into heightened intuition, perception, and clarity. They are very self-sufficient and enjoy their privacy, which can sometimes make them seem mysterious to those outside of their personal circle. Their general attitude is one of good fortune, gratitude, and contentment and they are not ones to ask for more. In general, this is a good way to be, but they must be careful not to settle when it comes to what’s really important to them. Deep down they may know something is missing from their lives but have trouble acknowledging it. Contentment is the enemy of growth and progress.


Idealistic Dreamers

  • Dates: ~March 11 - March 20

  • Major: The Moon

  • Minor: X of Cups

  • Planet: Pluto

  • Court: Queen of Wands

  • Modality: Mutable

  • Element: Water

Those born within the third decan of Pisces are idealistic dreamers. They are inspired, creative, intuitive, and deeply emotional. Intense, raw and authentic, they live their truth despite societal pressures to assimilate. They are transformative and possess the unique ability to open the minds of those around them to the unique way they see the world. They have a clear insight into what's beneath the surface of things and often see what others miss. Authenticity is very important to them and they reject anything they deem shallow or fake. They have a tendency to be oversensitive and take life's disappointments harder than most. If their deep emotions aren’t properly addressed and understood they can manifest as hostility, destructive tendencies, and depression. Their strongest desire is to really connect with others, but they often struggle to do so. People may see them as heavy, obsessive, or too intense, but if given a chance they make wonderful, loyal, and supportive partners and friends.