Year Long Journey Spread

Year Long Journey Spread

In my previous post I mentioned that I don’t really believe in fortune telling…but sometimes it can be fun to try anyway!

Use this spread as a forecast for the year to come, but also know that nothing is set in stone. If you don’t like the outlook you have the power to change it.

The Year Long Journey Spread

Type: Self-Reflection or Querent Driven

Level: Intermediate


0 - Your significator

1-12 - The card which will rule over each corresponding month of your year.

13 - How this year will change you

Shuffle. Place your significator, 0, face up then the rest of the cards face down around it. 13 covers 0. Flip and read them one by one. If you read reversals, read them in relation to the central card. Imagine you are in the center of them looking out. In other words the outer circle is the top, the inner circle is the bottom. If that’s still confusing hopefully my example can help clarify.

My Reading

  1. January—The IX of Pentacles will finally bring a reward for all of my hard work. Also worth noting—I’m going to Vegas to see Lady Gaga with my husband for our 2nd wedding anniversary in January. A few years ago I did an illustration of her based on this card, so it could just be representative of her.

  2. February—The IX of Wands. This month will take some resilience to get through (good thing it’s a short one) but I will have a clear goal in mind to push me forward.

  3. March—The Moon Reversed. This month may bring some confusion to my life. My intuition may be weaker.

  4. April—VIII of Cups. I will make a decision to leave something behind, perhaps due to the disillusionment brought on my the previous month.


5. May—Lovers Reversed. I may experience a loss of balance and harmony either within or in my relationship. This is very similar to the relationship reading from my year long journey spread.

6. June—King of Swords. Reason and clarity will cut through the confusion and discord of the previous months.

7. July—VI of Cups. I will reconnect with what makes me happy and cooperation and harmony will be restored in my relationships.

8. August—VII of Cups Reversed. The confusion returns. I should look within for direction.

9. September—Knight of Wands. This month will be a time of action and impulsiveness in the pursuit of passion. Obviously I ignored the last one. Sounds like me.

10. October—The Tower Reversed. I will avoid disaster. Nice.

11. November—Page of Pentacles. This month will bring a spark of hope to my material life in the form of a new opportunity. Well…at least it’ll happen eventually.

12. December—The Hermit. This month will be a time of seclusion, contemplation, and self reflection. Sounds about right. Guess that means I’ll have to forego the holiday travel again, darn.

13. V of Wands Reversed. I took the photo before I placed this one…oops. I took this to mean that I may overcome internal conflict and feel more at peace with myself by the end of the year. I may also become better at managing the outer conflict in my life and accepting things and people as they are. That would go a long way towards my goal of being more positive.

I noticed a few cards were repeated from my New Years Spread…The Tower, the VI of Cups, The Knight of Swords, and The VII of Cups. I think I should pay special attention to these. The theme of imbalance in my relationships was also repeated, so I will have to be especially careful to avoid that. But despite that,
I am excited for this year because for one, it’s the year of the pig, but also I tend to have better luck in odd numbered years.

Another tradition I have is going back at the end of the year and looking at how accurate my predictions were. I have a journal that I keep all my readings in so I can return to them later, which is a practice I highly recommend. You can just take a picture of the spread, but I think its good to record the way you feel about the cards at the time. You may read them one way today and a year from now have a completely different interpretation.

Happy New Year! Have fun!



VI of Cups

VI of Cups