

Psychometry refers to the ability to gather information from inanimate objects, or tokens, by interacting with them using the five physical senses. It is believed that objects can carry the energy and spirit of those who owned them. Scientifically, the theory is that since particles are constantly moving and intermingling with one another an object that one wears or interacts with often would eventually become infused with a part of them. Either way, I do believe that there is some merit to this. There are objects I have from loved ones that feel like them, and objects I’ve found in vintage shops that I get specifically good or bad vibes from.

I’ve created this spread as a way to focus the mind when attempting a psychometric reading. You may have more specific questions in mind if you already know the person it belonged to pretty well, but this works under the assumption that you’re trying to get a feel for the core of who they are. It’s a good jumping off point. You can try this with a family heirloom or a vintage piece you may have picked up. The best sorts of things to try it on are jewelry, watches, or anything else a person may have carried with them or worn often.


Type: Self-Reflection or Querent Driven

Level: Intermediate

Shuffle first, as always. Before you start laying out the cards. hold the object in your non dominant hand and allow the weight of it to anchor you to the table. Close your eyes and feel what comes up. You may see a color, smell a hint of something foreign, get a taste in your mouth, or even hear a sound. Decipher this as you will. Then, without moving your hand lay the cards out around it


Note: Just flip the layout if you are left handed. If you are doing this reading for a querent the object still goes in your hand.

  1. Their character

  2. Their relationship to the object

  3. Their desires

  4. Their fears

  5. The greatest power that rules over their life

My Reading

The item I’ve used in this example is a locket I found when cleaning out my grandmother’s jewelry box. I think it belonged to her mother and contains a picture of her as a little girl and my great grandfather. I never really knew her, so I thought it might be interesting to try to get a feel for who she was.


When I closed my eyes I didn’t get much from it. It did start to feel a little warm in my hand, which I noted because it’s cold metal and my hands are always icy.

My analysis of the cards: The knight of cups tells me that she was open with her emotions and made sure that the people in her life knew how she felt. Temperance in this position tells me that this was an object that brought her a lot of comfort. The Hermit suggests that maybe she desired more time alone with her thoughts and away from the demands of life. The V of Pentacles suggests that she was afraid of poverty or not fitting in with society. Lastly, the VII of cups suggests that throughout her life she may have allowed wishful thinking to take over. She may have been content in her illusions, but it’s also possible that emotional decisions on her part lead to hardship.

New Years Spread

New Years Spread

The Hierophant

The Hierophant