The Many Facets of Tarot

The Many Facets of Tarot

What does the word ‘Tarot’ make you think of?

For those who may be unfamiliar with the tradition and practice of tarot it can be either a frightening or laughable concept. Those initial reactions come from a deep seeded bias created by the way tarot is represented in the media, certain religious groups, and our puritanical culture as a whole. One of the biggest problems with our society today is the rampant spread of misinformation and lack of effort on the individual’s part to understand and learn for themselves. However, my goal is not to lecture you. If you’re reading this blog it’s clear that your mind is open to new ideas and ways of thinking, and for that I applaud you.

So what is it, really?

In reality, there are many answers to that question.

Tarot is a Game

But I don’t mean to say it shouldn’t be taken seriously. Tarot is first and foremost a deck of cards originally created for leisure, competition, and entertainment. Tarot games originated in Italy in the 15th century and are still played today in parts of Europe. There are many variations such as tarocchi, tarroco, and tarok, but the core of the gameplay in most of them is trick-taking. The hierarchy, number of cards, and the number of players vary greatly depending on what version of the game you are playing and where you are in the world.

I have incorporated a new kind of game-play into the design of The Prism Tarot and will go more in-depth about that at a later date. I also wrote a bit about the similarities between a tarot deck and a traditional playing card deck in my solitaire spread post.

Tarot is a Tool for Divination and Fortune Telling

This is probably the most well-known use of Tarot in our culture. Personally, I don’t believe in fortune-telling in the traditional sense. Ultimately, your destiny is up to you. As I like to say, the wheel of fate is always turning. I believe that the best way to predict the future is to look to the past and see the patterns that emerge. The best way to build the future you want is with awareness.

That is not to say I don’t believe in intuition. It can be a very powerful thing, but only if it is well-tuned. A tarot reader can attempt to predict the path a querent may take based on the energy they bring to a reading, but by bringing awareness to the possibilities they’ve already changed the outcome of the future.

Tarot is a Tool for Psychology

I wrote about this a bit in an earlier post, but it bears repeating and expounding upon. One of the greatest abilities of tarot is to bring the unconscious to consciousness. As soon as that happens, you are basically handing yourself the reigns to your thoughts and emotions so that you can become an objective observer instead of a victim. I also explored this idea in the post about my beast tamer spread that is used to help you get in touch with your shadow self and embrace it.

In this way, tarot can be a great tool for dream interpretation and overcoming recurring nightmares, dealing with trauma, and breaking out of harmful patterns.

Tarot is a Tool for Self-Reflection & Self-Care

When you consider the psychological value of tarot, it makes sense that it should also fall under the category of self-care. Tarot can be very grounding, comforting, and reassuring when the world seems messy and confusing. It can help you tap into your inner power, your true feelings, and make you feel more confident in your decisions. It is also a great companion for meditation or yoga practice. Spending time with your favorite deck can feel like having a conversation with an old friend. If you’re willing to listen it can be brutally honest, but it won’t tell you anything you don’t need to hear.

Tarot is a Tool for Creativity

Have you ever used one of those random online generators when you were trying to come up with a new story or character idea? The problem I always have with that is that nothing really resonates and I'm stuck clicking and waiting for the thing to show up that I actually want to see.

Nothing is random. We always know what we're looking for deep down, but sometimes not until we see it. That's why tarot is such a great tool for character and world-building. You can tap into your subconscious to bring out the ideas you're struggling to manifest. Assigning specific qualities and characteristics to the court cards can be very helpful for this, as well as considering the narrative of each card as it pertains to the fool’s journey and the story of each suit.

I wouldn't call myself a creative writer, but I do dabble from time to time. A few years ago when trying to come up with a story I crafted a few spreads to help me out. (I will be sharing them on the blog at a later date.)

Tarot is a Connection to the Universe

I’ve said it before, but I strongly believe that for a deck of Tarot cards to properly resonate and lend itself to all these wonderful uses it has to illustrate a complete vision of universal energy. A well-rendered tarot deck can serve as a connection to the spiritual realm and open paths to higher understanding. They are an elegant map of the universe and the threads that connect everything.

Princess/Transformer of Cups

Princess/Transformer of Cups

