Yogic Inspiration

Yogic Inspiration

How my yoga journey informed the poses in the cards.

Because the figures in the cards do not have faces, it became important from a design standpoint to use full-body expression to emote the feeling in each particular piece, or in other words, body language. Whenever I was trying to consider a meaningful pose for certain cards my mind would always travel to my yoga practice. Yoga poses evoke very specific emotions and energetic states and are fairly universally understood and recognizable. They also sync up with the calm sense of self-awareness I was going for.

While the figures don’t really have faces, they have the suggestion of eyes that are closed in a sort of meditative state. The act of gazing inward is key in both Tarot and Yoga and I use both practices in tandem. I think the two complement each other beautifully.

Vrikshasana - Tree Pose - The Princess of Pentacles


This is perhaps the most blatant use of a yoga pose in the deck. I wanted to use tree pose to represent the balanced, connected, earthy energy of this card. It displays the growth and poise of the Princess of Pentacles.

What I love about tree pose is that it is a pose that you have to grow and as such it’s a great measuring stick for your progress. When you first start learning it, you may not be able to find the balance or strength necessary to hold it, but eventually, with practice and patience, it will become effortless. I like to look at the 2 of pentacles and this card as before and after states.

Shavasana - Corpse Pose - IV of Swords


I thought corpse pose would be perfect for the still, static energy of this card. The figure is resting and absorbing the energy they need to continue.

Parsva Savasana - Side Fetal Pose The Hermit


The figure in this card is resting within the cosmic egg getting ready to be reborn, so I thought it would be apt for them to be in fetal position.

Sukhasana - Easy Pose

I used this pose in a few different cards in a few different variations to represent different states of energy.


In Temperance, their palms are up and open which represents receptiveness and an open spirit.


In The Devil, their palms are face down and closed off. It mirrors the reversed pentagram which signifies a focus on the material over the spiritual.


The Magician combines the two variations with one palm facing up to the sky and the other facing downward to represent the concept of as above, so below.


In the IX of Cups, I used it to convey a sense of comfort and ease, while also acknowledging that the figure is open to more. The Cups they hold are balanced, but empty and have a desire to be filled.


While in the IV of Cups, the downward-facing palms illustrate that the figure is closed off from the gifts they are being offered.

Hakini mudra - The Hanged One


I took a little artistic license with this one because I wanted it to represent a meditative state but also the inverted triangle that symbolizes water. This mudra is used to destress and center your mind.

Utthita Tadasana - Star Pose - The Star


This power pose is aptly named for this card. It seems obvious, but it’s perfect for the strong, confident, hopeful energy I wanted to convey


Many of the poses in the cards are in balance and spinal alignment, which was also a choice inspired by my yogic experience.


Cards in which the poses are not balanced are that way in order to signify some kind of turmoil or imbalance. But even in these instances, there is a sense of grounding and support from the earth which is always there.


I want to give a special shout-out to everyone’s favorite at-home yoga teacher, Adriene Mishler of Yoga With Adriene, who inspires me so much. You can check out her channel here: https://www.youtube.com/user/yogawithadriene and I highly recommend it!

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