The Gemcutter's Oracle + Rune Carver's Tokens

The Gemcutter's Oracle + Rune Carver's Tokens

Introducing my next project…


The Gemcutter's Oracle

Rune Carver's Tokens

This will be a dual deck consisting of 25 oracle cards themed around the cutting of gems, and 25 Prism Rune cards.

They will be square cut, 2.5 x 2.5 inches, and the perfect companions to either edition of The Prism Tarot.

These are the first cards of each deck. I will be posting progress here and on Instagram as always and I have a target launch date of late 2022.

To cut a stone into a gem
is to transform a soul into a purpose,
each cut an intention
an expression of gratitude
and of service.
Violence cleaves fragments of fire
with strokes of beauty
laying bare hidden facets of light,
reflections of
fractured galaxies,
a universe
of kaleidoscopic realities.


The Gemcutter's Oracle: Single Cut

The Gemcutter's Oracle: Single Cut

Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary!