The Gemcutter's Oracle: Sunflower Cut

The Gemcutter's Oracle: Sunflower Cut

Sunflower Cut

63 facets

Positive Cuts: optimism, joy, awakening, sunrise, rebirth, honesty, fertility, confidence, ambition

Negative Cuts: naivete, lofty ambitions, hubris, selective blindness, hyperfocus

Numerological Correspondences: 3, 6, 9

Tarot Correspondences: The empress, the lovers, the hermit, the sun

The sunflower cut represents reaching towards the sun. Awakening with a joy for life, optimism, and belief in oneself can be a wonderful thing, but the sun can also blind and burn if you get too close.

Affirmations: My ambitions are within reach. I honor my limits. Sunshine and patience will spur my growth.

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Runecarver's Tokens: Kenaz

Runecarver's Tokens: Kenaz