Il Bagatto: The Magician

Il Bagatto: The Magician


“The fall created a bridge between worlds
And illuminated the infinite connection
Between body, mind, heart, and soul.
Thus the universal truth of
As above, so below.
A true magus needs only
The courage to speak their desire
And the will to make it so.”


Upright: Manifestation of desire. Willpower. Tools for success. Focus. Acting on intention.

Reversed: Latent talents. Mental fog. Hidden potential. Misuse of power. Manipulation.


Planet: Mercury

Aroma: Amyris and Sage


The Magician embodies the idea of 'As above, so below', or unity between oneself and the universe in order to manifest desire or magic. They are also sometimes called the Juggler because they maintain cosmic balance. In the Hermetic Tarot, they are known as ‘The Magus of Power.’

This card is ruled by the planet Mercury; the guardian of intellect, skill, and logic. It is the ultimate spark of new potential.

With one hand pointing toward the heavens and the other down to earth, the Magician acts as a bridge between the spiritual world and the material world. The gesture of their arms suggests infinity. All four suits are present, and together they represent the four elements and the human elements necessary for manifestation; heart, soul, body, and mind.

In a reading, this card may represent an opportunity to manifest your desires. You have all the tools necessary, you need the courage to ask for what you want, and the willpower to make it real.

The reversed may imply that you have latent talents you aren't bringing to their full potential, mental fog, or misuse of power and manipulation. How can you put your skills to higher use?


I placed the magician in a meditative pose to emphasize the concentration they need to create their magic. The four suits surround them and are held by their power. They have one hand up to the sky and towards the ground to represent as above so below. As with many of the poses I’ve chosen for my figures, this one is very inspired by my yoga practice. They are in the pose of ease, sukhasana, with one palm open and one palm closed directing the flow of energy, being at once open and protected, allowing in only what serves them.

Key Symbols

The four suits (cup, sword, wand, pentacle): The four elements

Color Theory

The presence of the full spectrum of colors represents the synthesis of all elements coming together.

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