The Gemcutter’s Oracle

To cut a stone into a gem

Is to transform a soul into a purpose

each cut an intention

An expression of gratitude

And of service

Violence cleaves fragments of fire

with strokes of beauty

Laying bare hidden facets of light

Reflections of

Fractured galaxies,

a universe

of kaleidoscopic realities.

This cut if for truth…This cut is for clarity…This cut is for understanding…This cut is for rarity.

I always begin my work with words, like a spell, and those are the ones that sparked the creation of these decks.

I began exploring the idea of revealing the facets of our true selves with The Prism Tarot and I continued to explore it in these two oracle decks. Each illustration highlights the cuts necessary to bring out the beauty in each gem, as well as the fractured galaxies created in doing so. Sometimes, it takes sacrifice, hard work, and even pain to bring about growth and change, but at the end of strife, beauty remains. Both of these decks explore that concept in different ways. 

To explore this concept and attribute meaning to actual gem cuts, I studied their sacred geometry, the numerology that lies within the number of facets and cuts they possess, what they were named for, and the significance attributed to them by society. A precious gem is a valuable and personal gift, often given with a lot of thought and love behind it. What better place to search for depth of meaning than within the facets of such treasures?

I also thought a lot about the process of gem cutting. As a sculptor by trade, I understand how it feels to bring out the beauty and purpose in rough materials; the pressure for precision, and the artistry of ultimately leaving perfection behind. Each cut is done with intention, purposeful in its meaning, and with great emotional effort, especially when working with something as delicate as a diamond with no undo button. It is a reverent act.

Though I have not had the opportunity to cut stones myself, a couple of years ago, I spent a few months working with precious gems, looking at them under a microscope, setting them in metal, and polishing them to perfection. I had to sort through and categorize literal piles of diamonds, each one unique and beautiful, even those that were less than a millimeter in size.

The longer you look into a gem the more fire, color, and "imperfection" you will find. It is my intention that the images on the cards of the Gemcutter's Oracle will lead the reader through similar levels of introspection and understanding.

Reading the Cards

You can use this oracle for meditation, self-reflection, shadow work, dream/vision interpretation, intuitive practice and amplification, guidance in seeing all sides of an issue, or however else you need help connecting to your inner world. It can also be used to clarify tarot readings and works beautifully with its sister decks, The Prism Tarot, and The Runecarver’s Tokens.

Draw a card, meditate on the image, and search for the meaning that resonates with you. Consider all parts of the gem and the galaxy it reflects. Use them to connect with the hidden facets and galaxies within yourself.

Each gem has both positive and negative cuts, which can be thought of as upright and reversed meanings. They also have numerological, esoteric, and tarot correspondences.

Origin gems: Prism, Single, Double, Mine, Rose

Gems in this group are old and wise. They are the ancestors, the originals. They represent a time of creation, manifestation, and tradition.

Floral Gems: Fire Rose, Marigold, Sunflower, Dahlia

Gems in this group represent the beauty of nature that man is always trying to imitate.

Playful Gems: Clover, Trillion, Lozenge, Heart

Gems in this group correspond to the 4 playing card or tarot suits. They break the rules and represent fun, versatility, and creativity.

Court: Shield, Baroness, Marquise, Duchess, Princess, king, empress, Grace

Gems in this group correspond to different members of the royal court. They are in order of hierarchy and can be looked at similarly to the court cards in a tarot deck, though there are a few more of them.

Brilliant: Radiant, Tear, Half Moon, Brilliant

Gems in this group represent growth, the pursuit of perfection, the culmination of hard work, and true beauty.

Parts of a Gem

 Gem Meanings

Single Cut

Group: Origin Gem

17 Facets

Positive Cuts: Beginning, Simplicity, Solitude, Individuality, Independence, Balance, Tradition, Material Comfort

Negative Cuts: Excess, Impatience, Dissatisfaction, Avoidance, Dependence

Numerological Correspondences: 1, 8

Tarot Correspondences: Magician, Strength, and The Star

Esoteric Correspondences: Air and Mercury

The Single Cut represents going back to basics, tradition, and the old magic. It is the start of something bigger. It may not be the most beautiful cut, but it is strong, balanced, and bright. Large facets act as a lens to allow you to gaze within.

Affirmations: I am always learning. I have everything I need within my own personal cosmos. My destiny is worth waiting for. Everyone starts somewhere. It takes courage to begin. I am brave enough to begin.

Fun fact: Sometimes lovingly referred to as “huit huit” from the French term “huit” for the number eight.

Mazarin Cut (aka The Double Cut)

Group: Origin Gems

Facets: 34

Positive Cuts: progress, duality, covenants, contracts, evolution, personal power, intuition, control, good fortune, adaptability, diplomacy, cooperation, wisdom, introspection, synergy, union, alchemy, passion, love, lineage

Negative Cuts: haste, superiority, vanity, secrecy, force, hubris, materialism, selfishness

Numerological Correspondences: 2, 7, 8

Tarot Correspondences: The High Priestess, The Chariot, Strength

Esoteric Correspondence: Water, Cancer

The Mazarin cut represents evolution and the mingling of ideas to spur progress. It is a transitional phase, an important step towards reaching enlightenment, far from perfect but well on its way.

Affirmations: I am forward-thinking, always growing and evolving at my own pace. Progress is perfection

Fun fact/ history: In the mid-17th century this cut was inspired by and named for Cardinal Mazarin, who was an avid lover and collector of diamonds and famously left part of his collection to Louis XIV.

Mine Cut

Group: Origin Gems

58 facets

Positive Cuts: Roots, Nature, Potential, Tradition, Progress, Stability, Routine, Organization, Patience, Hard Work, Reliability, Self-discipline, Divine Masculinity, Ancestry, Growth, Lineage, Revolution, Diligence, skill

Negative Cuts: Risk, Stagnancy, Illness, Drudgery, Limits, Stubbornness, Frustration

Numerological Correspondences: 4

Tarot Correspondences: The Tower, Death, The Emperor

Esoteric Correspondences: Earth (element) and Jupiter

The mine cut represents tradition, stability, and sometimes the need to remove oneself from such things. Much can be learned from the past, but only new ideas can lead you into the future.

Affirmations: My roots do not bind me, but nourish my growth. My past informs my present, but it does not define the limits of my future. I am always growing.

Fun fact: The larger facets of this cut were meant to give it extra sparkle in the candlelight. They were also cut by eye and hand giving each stone unique and charming imperfections.

Rose Cut

Group: Origin Gems

25 facets

Positive Cuts: growth, blooming, creation, connection to nature, creativity, balance, beauty, love, expansion, expression, passion, simplicity

Negative Cuts: superficiality, vanity, frivolity, co-dependence, temptation

Numerological Correspondences: 6, 7

Tarot Correspondences: The Lovers, The Chariot

The rose cut represents the beauty of the potential we hold within us. Love, inspiration, and passion are constantly blooming anew within our hearts. It is a testament to our capacity to keep growing and connect with others despite hardship.

Affirmations: I am ever-expanding and blooming into my best self. I allow space for myself to grow.

Fun Fact: Unlike most gem cuts, the rose cut has a flat back and no pavilion.

Fire Rose Cut

Group: Floral Gems

55 facets

Positive Cuts: willpower, manifestation, focus, inspiration, power, passion, creativity, desire, fate, choice

Negative Cuts: temptation, uncontrolled emotions, disharmony, wrong choices, self-destruction, subservience, imbalance, corruption

Numerological Correspondences: 5, 6, 10

Tarot Correspondences: Fortune, The Magician, The Lovers, The Hierophant

The fire rose cut represents the manifestation of desire, unification, and creation. The center facets create a six-pointed star created from equilateral triangles, the symbol of all the elements working in harmony.

Affirmations: My will is my power. I can manifest all that I desire.

Esoteric Correspondence: Fire, mars

Fun fact: On the surface, this looks like a very simple cut, but the fire comes from light traveling up through the many facets of the pavilion underneath.

Marigold Cut

Group: Floral Gems

65 facets

Positive Cuts: beauty, change, transformation, prosperity, freedom, choice, learning, justice, compassion

Negative Cuts: Fragility, death, despair, impermanence, loss, greed, grief, material bondage, consequences

Numerological Correspondences: 5, 6 , 8, 11

Tarot Correspondences: Death, Strength, Justice

The marigold cut represents the beauty of fleeting moments. It is a reminder that every moment is precious because all that is material will inevitably decay. Notice how it resembles a spider’s web. Beware of being caught up in things that do not serve your best interests.

Affirmations: I find joy in the now. Forever is a myth. Freedom is a mental state. I enjoy the beauty of fleeting moments

Fun Fact: The Marigold cut is also a type of step cut made of four-sided facets giving it a very geometric appearance. I personally think it resembles a spider’s web.

Sunflower Cut

Group: Floral Gems

45 facets

Positive Cuts: optimism, joy, awakening, sunrise, rebirth, honesty, fertility, confidence, ambition

Negative Cuts: naivete, lofty ambitions, hubris, selective blindness, hyperfocus, limitations

Numerological Correspondences: 4, 9

Tarot Correspondences: the emperor, the hermit, the sun

The sunflower cut represents reaching towards the sun. Awakening with a joy for life, optimism, and belief in oneself can be a wonderful thing, but the sun can also blind and burn if you get too close.

Affirmations: My ambitions are within reach. I honor my limits. Sunshine and patience will spur my growth.

Fun Fact: The faceting pattern of the sunflower cut can be used to create many different gem shapes such as the baguette, emerald, and trapezium.


Group: Floral Gems

51 facets

Positive Cuts: Grounding, stability, commitment, dignity, responsibility

Negative Cuts: Melancholy, binds, drudgery, sacrifice, dishonesty, betrayal, instability

Numerological Correspondences: 6

Tarot Correspondences: The Devil, The Lovers

Esoteric Correspondence: Earth, Capricorn

The dahlia cut represents subdued emotions and the feeling of holding the weight of the world.

Affirmations: I am more than my burdens. I can only do as much as I am able.

Fun Fact: This cut, along with the Fire Rose, Sunflower, Marigold, and Zinnia flower cuts, was designed by Gabi Tolkowsky in 1988. He is known as the father of modern brilliance and famously cut The Centenary Diamond. (Note: I did not include zinnia in this deck, not because it isn’t lovely, but because there are so many round cuts!)

Clover Cut

Group: Playful Gems

??? facets

Positive Cuts: luck, play, fleeting moments, improvisation, whimsy, freedom, creativity, passion, courage, protection

Negative Cuts: foolishness, naivety, carelessness, danger, fear

Numerological Correspondences: 0, 4

Tarot Correspondences: The Fool, The Emperor, Wands

Esoteric Correspondences: Fire, Aries

The clover cut represents infinite possibilities, play, and the courage to abandon the rules when necessary. This cut corresponds to clubs in a deck of playing cards.

Affirmations: I create my own reality. I define my own limits. Rules are constructed illusions.

Fun fact: A nonstandard cut like this one that I essentially made up, or any cut that isn’t round, is referred to as “fancy.” It isn’t common, but gemstones can really be cut into any shape you want if you’re willing to think outside the box and with a little whimsy!


Group: Playful Gems

facets: 31 or 50

Positive Cuts: community, intellect, triplicity, wisdom, trinity, freedom, change, expression, teamwork, faith, truth, conviction, adaptability, support, spirituality, influence

Negative Cuts: need, arrogance, fragility, regression, stubbornness, fear, selfishness, impressionability, loneliness

Numerological Correspondences: 3, 5

Tarot Correspondences: the star, the hierophant, swords

Esoteric Correspondences: Air, Aquarius

The Trillion cut represents positive communication and the strength that comes from living your truth and staying true to whatever it is that you believe in. This cut corresponds to spades in a deck of playing cards.

Affirmations: I speak my truth. I share my truth. I am strong in my convictions. I live by my own truth

Fun fact: There are two versions of this cut dependent on whether it’s a center stone or an accent stone. 31 facets for an accent, 50 for a center.

Lozenge Cut

Group: Playful Gems

21 Facets

Positive Cuts: Wealth, fortitude, stability, simplicity, honesty, straightforwardness, boldness, clarity, transparency, routine, acceptance

Negative Cuts: Limitations, redundancy, superficiality, bluntness, greed, thoughtlessness, brutality, dreariness, sterility, drudgery

Numerological Correspondence: 4

Tarot Correspondence: The Fool, The Emperor, Pentacles

Esoteric Correspondences: Earth (element), Pluto

The Lozenge cut represents taking things at face value and not searching too deep under the surface. Some things just are what they are. Call a diamond a diamond. And while we’re on that subject, this cut corresponds to the suit of diamond in a deck of playing cards.

Affirmations: I accept things as they are.

Fun fact: Lozenge is another word for a rhombus in the shape of a diamond. So lozenge cut diamonds are just diamond-shaped diamonds.

Heart Cut

Facets: 56

Positive Cuts: love, union, balance, empathy, intuition, emotion, passion, morality, fairness, openness, protection. kindness, attraction, control

Negative Cuts: secrecy, need, imbalance, gatekeeping, abuse, clouded judgment, guardedness, vulnerability, lust, addiction

Numerological Correspondence: 6, 11, 2

Tarot Correspondence: Lovers, Justice, high priestess, strength, Cups

Esoteric Correspondences: Water, Pisces

The heart cut represents both the strength and fragility of love. Emotion can make us stronger, but it can also be self-defeating and cloud our judgment. A diamond is both strong and fragile. It's well known for being hard, but that hardness and lack of giving is what makes it so easily broken. It's wise to remember a diamond is cut best by one of its own. This cut corresponds to the suit of hearts in a deck of playing cards.

Affirmations: My capacity for love is my strength. I control who has access to my heart.

Fun fact: The heart cut can have 6, 7, or 8 main pavilion facets. For the purposes of this deck, I chose the version with 6 because it creates a sacred geometry with greater numerological significance to its meaning.

Shield Cut

Group: Court Gems

Facets: 37

Positive Cuts: Defense, protection. resilience, drive, control, mastery, fate, courage, will, focus, intention, balance, responsibility, duty, confidence, destiny

Negative Cuts: Stubbornness, manipulation, defensiveness, guardedness, over protectiveness, stalemates, imbalance, burden, struggle, insecurity, adversity

Numerological Correspondence: 3, 7, 10

Tarot Correspondence: The empress, fortune, chariot

Esoteric Correspondences: Fire, Sagittarius

The shield cut represents protection, control, and resilience in the face of adversity and turns of fate.

Affirmations: I am in control of my fate. I accept that which I cannot control. I am divinely protected. I am in charge of my own destiny

Fun fact: This is also a complex type of coffin cut. The lesson being, that which protects you can also become your downfall.

Baroness Cut

Group: Court Gems

58 facets

Positive Cuts: Stability, Strength, compassion, eloquence, diplomacy

Negative Cuts: elitism, narcissism, greed, materialism, set in their way, obstinacy

Numerological Correspondences: 8, 4, 5

Tarot Correspondences: Strength, the hierophant, the Emperor

Esoteric Correspondences: Fire, Leo

The Baroness Cut represents a quiet, elegant, and supportive strength.

Affirmations: I own the space I exist in.

Fun fact: The Baroness is one of 3 "Royal" Cuts, along with the Empress and Duchess Cuts, introduced in the 90s.

Marquise Cut

Group: Court Gems

Facets: 57

Positive Cuts: balance, contemplation, insight, fairness, objectivity, justice, truth, speech, perspective, femininity, divine feminine, attraction, sexuality, sensuality, pleasure

Negative Cuts: martyrdom, stalling, divisiveness, bias, injustice, imbalance, boredom, silence, vanity, tedium, monotony

Numerological Correspondence: 3, 5, 7

Tarot Correspondence: The Hanged one, Justice, The Empress

Esoteric Correspondences: Air, libra

The Marquise Cut represents seeing objectively, shifting perspectives, and finding perfect symmetry in all things.

Affirmations: I see and respect multiple perspectives.

Fun fact: This s classic cut was created for King Louis XV of France to mirror the shape of the lips of his mistress Madame du Pompadour. I allow you to choose which perspective to take on that.

Duchess Cut

Group: Court Gems

53 facets

Positive Cuts: Mystery, beauty, solitude, independence, enigma, identity

Negative Cuts: retreat, escapism, frigidity, need

Numerological Correspondence: 5, 3, 8

Tarot Correspondence: the hermit, the empress, the hierophant, strength

Esoteric Correspondences: Earth, Virgo

The Duchess cut represents feeling comfortable enough with yourself to enjoy being alone and confident enough to not need affirmations from others.

Affirmations: I find strength in solitude. I define who I am.

Fun fact: The Duchess cut is a modified Marquise with 6 flat sides.

Princess Cut

Group: Court Gems

76 facets

Positive Cuts: Depth, Generosity, Stability, Structure, Inner Power, guidance, fortitude, femininity

Negative Cuts: Latency, selfishness, gluttony, stubbornness

Numerological Correspondence: 7, 6

Tarot Correspondence: The empress, the chariot, the lovers, hierophant

Esoteric Correspondences: Earth Taurus

The Princess cut represents inner beauty and subverting expectations.

Affirmations: I look beneath the surface. There is more to me than what can be seen on the surface.

Fun fact: This cut looks simple on the surface, but what gives it real fire and sparkle are the unique chevron facets underneath.

King Cut

Group: Court Gems

86 facets

Positive Cuts: Dignity, masculinity, abundance, fairness, equality, balance, calling, duty, goals, faith, spirit, Magnanimity, responsibility

Negative Cuts: wrath, punishment, failure, imbalance, corruption, injustice, excess

Numerological Correspondence: 5, 6, 8

Tarot Correspondence: Temperence, Judgement

Esoteric Correspondences: air, uranus

The King Cut represents the responsibility of leadership and the burdens of power.

Affirmations: I accept what I cannot control.

Fun fact: The king cut is what you get when you double the table facets of the brilliant cut. It also has the most cut lines of any gem in this deck.

Empress Cut

Group: Court Gems

64 facets

Positive Cuts: Power, rule, persistence, acceptance, fate

Negative Cuts: Devastation, catastrophe, anarchy

Numerological Correspondence: 7, 10

Tarot Correspondence: the world, fortune, the chariot

Esoteric Correspondences: Saturn, fire

The Empress cut represents being in harmony with the flow of the universe. Taking the inevitable ups and downs in stride.

Affirmations: I am one with the flow of cosmic cycles.

Fun fact: The unique shape of this seven-sided gem or heptagon is very rare as it isn't evenly divisible. It was also the inspiration for the Prism gem.

Grace Cut

Group: Brilliant Gems

39 facets

Positive Cuts: grace, ease, wisdom, meditation, elegance, refinement, goodwill, perspective, empathy

Negative Cuts: awkwardness, discomfort, bluntness, anxiety, restlessness, single-mindedness

Numerological Correspondence: 3, 9, 5

Tarot Correspondence: The Empress, The Hanged One

Esoteric Correspondences: Water, Neptune

The grace cut represents mental growth. The essence of what it means to be graceful is the ability to seamlessly shift your perspective to better connect with others.

Affirmations: I navigate life with grace and an open mind.

Fun fact: The shape of this cut from the top view resembles how most other gem cuts look from the side.

Radiant Cut

Group: Brilliant Gems

62 facets

Positive Cuts: beauty, light, truth, divinity, purpose, youth, exuberance

Negative Cuts: Deceit, lethargy, secrets, ignorance

Numerological Correspondence: 2, 6, 8

Tarot Correspondence: The Lovers, Strength, The Sun

Esoteric Correspondences: Fire, sun

The radiant cut represents creative growth. Radiance is the passion you freely share with others.

Affirmations: I radiate my inner light. I am unafraid to bare my soul.

Fun fact: Radiant Cuts are modified brilliant cuts that utilize more of the rough gem shape by remaining rectangular.

Tear Cut

Group: Brilliant Gems

52 facets

Positive Cuts: emotion, caring, kindness, empathy, openness

Negative Cuts: grief, fixation, loss, despair, instability, repression, difficulty

Numerological Correspondence: 2, 5, 7

Tarot Correspondence: The Fool, The Hierophant, The Tower, The Lovers

Esoteric Correspondences: Air, Gemini

The tear cut represents emotional growth, deep overwhelming emotions, both positive and negative, and the strength gained by working through them in a healthy way.

Affirmations: I allow myself to feel the full spectrum of my emotions.

Fun fact: The Tear Cut is also known as the Pear Cut, but that name doesn’t quite spark the imagination in the same way. It is one of the most challenging cuts to produce due to its delicate and very specific ideal proportions.

Half Moon Cut

Group: Brilliant Gems

44 facets

Positive Cuts: Intuition, dreams, spirit, mysticism, ritual, progression, initiation, inception, evolution, cycles, guidance

Negative Cuts: Nightmares, faithlessness, illusions, confusion, aimlessness, incompletion

Numerological Correspondence: 4, 8

Tarot Correspondence: The Hanged One, The Moon

Esoteric Correspondences: Water, Moon

The Half Moon Cut represents spiritual growth and being in tune with your inner world.

Affirmations: I listen to my inner voice. I allow my intuition to guide the way.

Fun fact: The Half Moon cut is actually a half Brilliant Cut. They are often paired up and used as side stones, but it is very challenging to find a perfect match.

Brilliant Cut

Group: Brilliant Gems

58 facets

Positive Cuts: contentment, journeys, completion, attainment, acceptance, cycles, infinity, commitment, energy

Negative Cuts: regret, perfectionism, excess, inevitability, severance

Numerological Correspondence: 4, 5, 8

Tarot Correspondence the world, death

Esoteric Correspondences: earth (element), earth (planet)

The Brilliant cut represents the ideal higher self. The culmination of hard work, ingenuity, and pursuit of perfection.

Affirmations: My journey is infinite

Fun fact: The Brilliant cut is considered the ideal cut for diamonds. It was designed by Marcel Tolkowsky using a mathematical formula for cutting and angling facets to provide the maximum amount of reflected light. When done correctly, they resemble two pyramids placed base to base making them a very powerful energy conductor.

The Prism Cut

22 facets

Positive Cuts: Blank Slate, Chakras, Clarity, Personality, Versatility

Negative Cuts: Blindness, Assumptions, Imbalance, Obscurity, Limitations

Numerological Correspondences: 7, 11

Esoteric Correspondences: Aether

Tarot Correspondences The Prism, The Void

Affirmations: I am multifaceted.

Fun fact: This is a gem cut I created to represent clarity and inner light for The Prism Tarot. There are 3 sets of 7 facets. The 7 facets on the face represent the seven chakras. The 22 facets as a whole represent the major arcana.